How to Choose the Best OnlyFans Agency?

You're a content creator and realize that to advance in your OnlyFans journey, you need the help of an agency. But where to start? Of course, you want to find the best agency possible, but you’re a bit worried about tying your work and success to people you don't know at all. Finding the right agency means finding the ideal business partner. Maybe you’ve already had a bad experience with agencies? In this small guide, we will give you the keys to better understand agencies and how you can find the best one for you!

Model looking for the best OnlyFans agency
Model looking for the best OnlyFans agency

2 - How to Find and Contact an Agency?

Models and agencies are always looking for each other, but not necessarily at the same time. For models, approaching an agency is not very complicated. You can find an agency on the web with a simple Google search, on Instagram, or through a friend. You can also use a marketplace, particularly on Telegram, where you can be put in contact with agencies.

The good news is that many agencies are looking for models. Instagram is one of the platforms where, if you are an active model, you will be contacted by agencies.

Let’s say you are now in contact with an agency. The discussion begins.

OnlyFans agency a new online job
OnlyFans agency a new online job

3 - How to Test the Professionalism of an OnlyFans Agency?

To be sure the agency you are talking to is the best fit for you, you need to ask questions. Most agencies are discreet about their work, which is normal; it’s in their nature. But with a few questions, you will be able to judge the agency’s compatibility.

  • Preferred Source of Traffic: Ask the agency what their preferred source of traffic is. Most agencies specialize in certain types of traffic. Some may specialize in Instagram, others in Reddit, etc. Their answer will allow you to evaluate two things: first, the agency’s level of experience, and second, whether the agency can help you progress with your preferred traffic sources. For example, if you prefer working on Twitter (X), but the agency specializes in TikTok, shouldn’t you try to find an agency that suits you better? Also, be aware that many agencies select their creators based on their traffic specialty. The traffic question is important because it will help you determine if it’s the agency or the model responsible for generating traffic. In many cases, it’s a hybrid system.

  • Standardized Operating Procedures: Ask the agency if they have standardized operating procedures for integrating new models. These procedures often include creating documents (videos, PDFs, etc.) that help speed up the integration of models into the agency. If the agency responds positively, it’s a good sign; it means they are organized! This is important because the OnlyFans adventure requires a lot of organization! You can also ask how the agency supports new arrivals. How often will you be in contact with the agency, and on what occasions?

Finding the best OnlyFans agency
Finding the best OnlyFans agency
Negotiating income with an OnlyFans agency
Negotiating income with an OnlyFans agency

4 - What Questions Will the OnlyFans Agency Ask You?

Be aware that the agency may be as concerned as you are about a potential collaboration. They also tie their fate to yours. The agency will likely ask:

  • Availability: How much time per day can you work? Some forms of traffic generation require more work than others, and content creation takes time. The agency wants to test your seriousness by assessing your level of commitment. If you answer “1 hour,” the agency will know they can’t rely on you much. The agency has every interest in obtaining serious, long-term commitment from you.

  • Content Creation: Are you okay with making TikToks? The agency is asking if you are ready to make and publish short videos for your promotion, whether on TikTok or Instagram. These are two powerful traffic sources that the model can easily manage. However, this type of traffic requires time and effort. Can you devote several hours a day to it?

  • Current Presence: Do you already have ready content, social networks where you have started promotional activities, and an OnlyFans account? The agency wants to understand your current level and assess how much time it will take to make you profitable.

5 - Negotiating Finances with the OnlyFans Agency

The question that concerns models the most is money. How are payments organized? What share goes to the model and what share goes to the agency? The answer is: it depends on each model! Generally, the questions to ask upfront are: is the model already generating traffic and income? How much? Will the agency generate most of the traffic or will the creator do it? Does the creator have an Instagram account with 200,000 followers or are they starting from scratch?

All these factors will be considered, but generally, the creator’s share will be between 30 and 50 percent of the total revenue generated. In some instances, models request a salary instead of a commission. The agency seems to have the larger share, but the split is fair when you realize that the agency will invest the most in the model, recruiting staff, spending time, and purchasing various types of software for promoting the creators.

An agency can be one of the determining factors in your success. If the agency you approach suits you, you will gain support and advice every step of the way. You will feel part of a team and reap the financial benefits! Contact OnlyMym to learn more about our services.

Model asking questions to OnlyFans agency
Model asking questions to OnlyFans agency

1 - The New World of OnlyFans Agencies

OnlyFans has opened the door to new opportunities and new professions, primarily for models but also for agencies. It’s clear that models need agencies to reach their full potential. The OnlyFans agency profession is not regulated, and anyone can call themselves an “agency,” just as anyone can call themselves a “model.”

The profession of agent has boomed in recent years; thousands of agencies have been established. In 2024, An OnlyFans agency is a small business, mostly owned by young men with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Like any new industry, its development can be bumpy. The novelty brings a chaotic, Wild West aspect to the industry. It’s a complex field involving many people and emotions.

Many creators have had bad experiences with agencies: disappointing results, misunderstandings, even fraud in some cases. This can discourage some people from seeking an agency. However, finding one that meets your needs and can help you progress is of utmost importance.

  • Payments: Ask about payments. How often will you need to transfer the commission you owe the agency? What system is in place for this payment? Which financial institutions are used? Are they allowed in the countries where you live?

  • Zoom Interview: Ask for a Zoom interview. You will likely learn more about the agency in a 15-minute individual interview than in 100 emails and messages. This interview is not essential, but it is desirable. It will help you better assess who you are dealing with. Are the agents polite, respectful, and professional? Are they friendly? If not, if you don't “feel it,” then look for another agency! You deserve to find a team you respect and appreciate on a human level.

  • English Proficiency: What is your level of English? The OnlyFans world is largely dominated by English speakers. Being proficient in English is an asset. The agency wants to know if you can do TikTok Lives or cams, and if you can chat with potential clients. Can you write texts in English for your videos? English is not absolutely necessary, but it can be a significant advantage.

  • Anonymity: Could losing your anonymity in your OnlyFans activity cause you to stop your activity? Many creators want a certain level of anonymity, and the agency can help in this area by blocking access to certain countries, for example. Unfortunately, complete anonymity on the internet is impossible. The agency wants to know how much losing your anonymity could hurt you.

  • Equipment: What phone model do you use? The agency wants to know if the quality of your phone is good enough to produce quality content. This is a content-driven industry, so the image quality matters. The phone model can greatly contribute to this.

  • Intermediaries: Are you already working with an agency, or will you use an intermediary between you and the agency? This intermediary could be a husband, boyfriend, etc. The agency wants to know if they can directly access you and advise you or if they have to go through a jealous boyfriend to talk to you. You can guess what agencies prefer.

Model making money with the best OnlyFans agency
Model making money with the best OnlyFans agency
OnlyFans creator searching for the best OnlyFans agency
OnlyFans creator searching for the best OnlyFans agency